Thanks Justin

As some of you may have seen or heard, one of our co-founders, Justin Hunter, has decided to step away from the company.

As some of you may have seen or heard, one of our co-founders, Justin Hunter, has decided to step away from the company. He did so selflessly and in the interest of the company, and as hard as it is for us to accept, it was the best path forward for SimpleID.

Running a very early-stage startup is hard, and fundraising for said startup is even harder. Both become exponentially more difficult when you factor in a pandemic. COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way companies do business. It’s made investment teams reconsider their investment strategies. It’s flat-out made it harder to raise a seed round. As such, we expect it to take longer than we expected before SimpleID will be able to finish fundraising. That timeline, had Justin not stepped away, would have been much more difficult to keep the company afloat. His departure significantly extends our runway.

To be clear, nothing about Justin’s departure has anything to do with our feelings toward each other and the work we all did together. We have been and continue to be friends. We want to thank Justin for everything he did to make this company what it is. We can’t wait to see what he does next, and we can’t wait for you to see what we do next!

Samantha Brown

Author: Samantha Brown

A writer on SimpleId.

48 thoughts on “Thanks Justin”

  1. Thank you, Justin! We appreciate your selfless decision to step away from the company. It was undoubtedly the best path forward for SimpleID. Running a startup is hard, especially during a pandemic, but your departure significantly extends our runway. We are grateful for everything you’ve done and excited to see what you’ll do next!

  2. What were the reasons behind Justin’s decision to step away from the company? Can you provide more details?

    1. I can provide some insights into Justin’s decision to step away from the company. Justin made the difficult decision to leave in order to secure a brighter future for SimpleID. As we navigate the challenges of running a startup during a pandemic, Justin recognized that his departure would extend our runway and increase our chances of success. It’s important to note that his decision has nothing to do with any personal issues within the team. We are grateful for Justin’s contributions and are excited to see what he and the rest of the team accomplish in the future!

  3. It’s understandable that Justin had to step away considering the challenges of running a startup during a pandemic. I’m sure it was a tough decision for him, but it’s commendable that he did it in the best interest of the company. Wishing him all the best in his future endeavors!

  4. It’s unfortunate to hear that Justin decided to step away from the company, but it’s commendable that he did it in the best interest of the company. Running a startup during this pandemic is challenging, and fundraising has become even more difficult. I believe Justin’s departure will provide SimpleID with a better chance to secure the necessary funding. Thank you, Justin, for your contribution to the company. All the best to you in your future endeavors!

  5. It’s always sad to see a co-founder step away, but it’s great that Justin made this decision selflessly for the company’s best interest. Running a startup during a pandemic is tough, and fundraising becomes even more challenging. I hope SimpleID continues to thrive and Justin finds success in his next venture!

  6. It’s always tough when a co-founder decides to step away, especially in such challenging times. Justin made a selfless decision for the sake of the company, and I admire him for that. Best of luck to him in his future endeavors, and I’m excited to see what the company has in store for us!

  7. It’s sad to see Justin leaving the company, but it’s understandable considering the circumstances. Running a startup during a pandemic is tough, and fundraising becomes even more challenging. Justin’s decision to step away was selfless and in the best interest of SimpleID. Thank you, Justin, for all your contributions. We wish you the best in your next endeavor.

  8. Do you think Justin’s departure will have a significant impact on the company’s future success?

    1. In my opinion, Justin’s departure will definitely have a significant impact on the company’s future success. As one of the co-founders, Justin played a crucial role in shaping the vision and direction of SimpleID. His decision to step away shows that he believes it is the best path forward for the company. While it may be challenging to adjust to this change, I have faith in the remaining team and their ability to adapt and overcome. Change often brings new opportunities, and I’m excited to see how SimpleID continues to thrive without Justin’s presence.

  9. I really admire Justin Hunter for making such a selfless decision to step away from the company in the best interest of everyone. Running a startup is already challenging, and with the added difficulties brought by COVID-19, it’s understandable that fundraising becomes even harder. Justin’s departure has significantly extended the company’s runway, giving them more time to weather the storm. Thank you, Justin, for your contributions, and I’m excited to see what’s next for both him and the company!

  10. It’s sad to hear about Justin’s departure, but sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the greater good of the company. Wishing him all the best for his future endeavors. Looking forward to seeing how SimpleID progresses without him.

    1. Hi DavidS, I understand your concern. Yes, Justin’s departure will have an impact on our fundraising efforts. Running a startup is challenging, especially with the current pandemic situation. However, we have a solid team and are determined to find alternative solutions to secure funding. We appreciate your support and will keep you updated on our progress. Thank you!

  11. It’s really sad to hear that Justin Hunter has decided to step away from the company. However, I believe it was a selfless decision he made for the best interest of the company. Running a startup during a pandemic is incredibly challenging, and I’m sure Justin’s departure will help extend the company’s runway. I want to thank Justin for his contributions and wish him the best in his future endeavors. Excited to see what the company achieves next!

  12. Thank you, Justin, for your selfless decision to step away from the company. It is hard to accept, but it was the best path forward for SimpleID. Your departure significantly extends our runway. We are grateful for everything you did and can’t wait to see what you do next.

    1. No, Justin’s departure will not affect the fundraising efforts of SimpleID. While Justin’s contributions were valuable, we have a strong team in place, and we are confident in our ability to continue raising funds successfully. We appreciate Justin’s selfless decision and wish him the best in his future endeavors.

  13. Thanks Justin, you really made a selfless and brave decision for the benefit of the company. It must have been a tough call, but it was definitely the best path forward. We appreciate all the hard work you put into making SimpleID what it is today. Looking forward to seeing your next venture, as well as what the rest of the team has in store for us!

    1. Hi Emily142, the departure of Justin Hunter will certainly have an impact on the future of SimpleID. His decision to step away was made in the best interest of the company, which shows his selflessness and dedication. Although it is hard for us to accept, it was the best path forward. We expect it to take longer than expected to finish fundraising without Justin’s contribution, but we are determined to keep the company afloat. Rest assured, we are grateful for everything Justin did and we will continue to work hard to make SimpleID successful. Thank you for your question!

  14. Did Justin’s departure have any impact on the company’s current fundraising progress?

    1. Hi Emily, Justin’s departure certainly had an impact on our current fundraising progress. Running a startup and raising funds is already challenging, and with the added difficulties brought by the pandemic, it became even more challenging. However, Justin’s selfless decision to step away from the company was in the best interest of SimpleID. It has significantly extended our runway and allowed us more time to navigate through the fundraising process. While it’s not an ideal situation, we are grateful for Justin’s contribution and excited for what lies ahead for both him and our company. Thank you for your question!

  15. It’s sad to see Justin leave, but I understand that he made this decision for the benefit of the company. Running a startup during a pandemic is challenging, and his departure will give SimpleID more time to raise funds. Thank you, Justin, for your contributions. Looking forward to what’s next for both you and the company!

  16. It’s really sad to see Justin leave, but it’s great to see that he made this decision for the benefit of the company. Running a startup during a pandemic is tough, and I can only imagine the challenges they faced. Wishing Justin all the best in his future endeavors!

  17. It’s always tough to see a founder step away, but it’s great to see that Justin did it in the best interest of the company. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Excited to see what SimpleID does next!

  18. Will Justin’s departure affect the timeline of SimpleID finishing its fundraising? Can the company still stay afloat without him?

    1. Justin’s departure will indeed impact the fundraising timeline of SimpleID. However, the company has taken necessary measures to extend its runway and navigate the challenges ahead. While his absence is felt, the team remains focused and determined to succeed.

  19. Justin’s decision to step away from the company was a selfless one, putting the company’s interests first. Even though it’s tough for us to accept, it was the best move for SimpleID. His departure has extended our runway significantly and will help us navigate the challenging startup landscape more effectively. We sincerely appreciate everything Justin has contributed, and we look forward to both his and our company’s future endeavors.

  20. I believe Justin made a tough but commendable decision in stepping away from the company for its greater good. Startups face numerous challenges, and with the added complexity of a pandemic, his action was necessary to ensure SimpleID’s continued success. His departure has given the team a chance to navigate through these tough times with an extended runway. Kudos to Justin for his contributions and all the best for his future endeavors!

  21. It’s truly admirable how Justin selflessly decided to step away from the company in its best interest. His departure has significantly extended your runway, paving the way for a brighter future for SimpleID. Best of luck to Justin on his next endeavor!

  22. I truly admire Justin’s decision to step away from the company. It takes great courage and selflessness to prioritize the company’s best interests over personal desires. I believe this will pave the way for SimpleID to navigate the challenges ahead more effectively. Wishing Justin all the best in his future endeavors.

  23. It’s truly admirable how Justin Hunter selflessly decided to step away from the company in its best interest. As difficult as it may be, his departure has significantly extended our runway, giving us a better chance to navigate through these challenging times. We are thankful for his contributions and look forward to what the future holds for both him and our company.

  24. Do you think Justin’s departure will affect the fundraising efforts of SimpleID amidst the challenges brought on by the pandemic?

    1. Given the circumstances, Justin’s departure may pose some initial challenges for our fundraising efforts. However, as a team, we are determined to navigate through this rough patch and adapt our strategy accordingly. We are confident that with our collective dedication and hard work, we will overcome these obstacles and successfully secure the necessary funding for SimpleID.

  25. Has the departure of Justin affected the overall morale of the team? How are you planning to adapt to this change in leadership?

    1. Thanks for sharing this update. It’s great to hear that Justin’s departure was on positive terms for the company. Looking forward to seeing how SimpleID adapts to this change in leadership and continues to thrive!

  26. It’s always tough when a co-founder decides to step away, but Justin’s selfless decision shows a true commitment to the company’s success. Wishing him all the best for his future endeavors. Excited to see what SimpleID accomplishes next!

  27. Justin’s decision to step away from the company was a selfless one, made in the best interest of SimpleID. His departure significantly extends SimpleID’s runway, allowing more time for fundraising in these challenging times. We thank Justin for his contributions and look forward to seeing what the future holds for both him and SimpleID.

  28. Do you think Justin’s departure will have a significant impact on the company’s future direction?

    1. Hi Ashley123, Justin’s departure will definitely have an impact on our team dynamics, but we are determined to stay focused on our goals and continue building SimpleID’s future. While it’s a challenging time, we believe in the strength of our team and our ability to adapt to the changes ahead.

  29. Justin’s decision to step away from the company shows his selflessness and dedication to the company’s success. It’s clear that his departure was a tough but necessary choice for SimpleID’s future. His contributions will be greatly missed, and we wish him all the best in his next endeavors.

  30. Do you think Justin’s departure will impact the company’s ability to raise funds in the current challenging environment?

    1. Hey Emily2021, I don’t believe Justin’s departure will have a significant negative impact on the company’s ability to raise funds. His decision was a strategic move to ensure SimpleID’s sustainability during these challenging times. We are confident in our team’s capabilities to navigate fundraising successfully, and Justin’s departure has actually extended our runway. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

  31. It’s truly commendable that Justin made the tough decision to step away from the company for its greater good, especially in these challenging times. His departure will surely have a positive impact on SimpleID’s future. Wishing him all the best in his next endeavors!

  32. Justin’s decision to step away from the company was a selfless act in the best interest of SimpleID. It’s hard to accept, but it was the best path forward for us. His departure significantly extends our runway, allowing us more time to navigate the challenges ahead.

  33. While it’s sad to see Justin step away, his decision was undoubtedly a selfless one that was in the best interest of the company. The current challenges in the startup landscape, especially with the added difficulties brought by the pandemic, make fundraising even more daunting. Justin’s departure has provided the company with a much-needed extension of its runway, giving it a better chance to succeed in the long run. We wish Justin the best in his future endeavors and are excited for what the team will achieve next.

  34. It’s truly a challenging time for startups, especially with the added hurdles brought on by the pandemic. Justin’s decision to step away shows his dedication to the company’s well-being. Wishing him the best in his future endeavors and looking forward to seeing SimpleID overcome these obstacles.

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